Tough Lovin'

Annnnnd it's been a minute... I know. Forgive me for having six kids living at home and allowing them to have a life OUTSIDE of my own. ;) Blogging has taken a backseat to life these days. Until the other day. Lemme just tell you. Watching your kids live their lives and watching their sibling squabbles and giggles can really slap you in the face with some pretty blinding "light bulb" moments. Like this one, for instance: Nacho and Lily were playing in the floor. FIRST, you need to understand that Nacho loves his luuuuuuuvs really...really..........really loves his sister. So much so that she will scream at him to get off her. (She gets it honest) That being said, I was watching this moment in time as my 4 year old went from playing with his 1 year old sister to LOVING his 1 year old sister...with her 1 year old 'tude with a capital T...and her 1 year old backhand across the face. He was trying so hard to ...