
Showing posts from 2012

Tough Lovin'

 Annnnnd it's been a minute... I know. Forgive me for having six kids living at home and allowing them to have a life OUTSIDE of my own. ;) Blogging has taken a backseat to life these days. Until the other day. Lemme just tell you. Watching your kids live their lives and watching their sibling squabbles and giggles can really slap you in the face with some pretty blinding "light bulb" moments. Like this one, for instance: Nacho and Lily were playing in the floor. FIRST, you need to understand that Nacho loves his luuuuuuuvs really...really..........really loves his sister. So much so that she will scream at him to get off her. (She gets it honest) That being said, I was watching this moment in time as my 4 year old went from playing with his 1 year old sister to LOVING his 1 year old sister...with her 1 year old 'tude with a capital T...and her 1 year old backhand across the face.  He was trying so hard to ...

See What Had Happen Was...

Well hello, there!!! Been a minute, right?? I'll explain another blog, but for now, I'm in a HUGE rush BECAUSE I'm supposed to be CLEANING, Abba...Yes. Yes, I'm talking to You...but You told me that I had to stop everything and do this for my friend. SO! If You dont mind, it would be nice for you to pull a time stop like you did for Joshua...No. I'm not fighting a battle that needs daylight, BUT I am preparing my house to be invaded by teenagers tonight...I think that merits a time stop. No? Oh well. It was worth a try, lol. See what had HAPPEN was, Wednesday night at church a special Levite friend of mine made a statement that pulled on His heart and Abba had something to say to my friend. But it was SO loud in the room and I was SO drunk(fasting and a HUGE dose of His love tends to do that to one), that I couldnt hear Him was all fuzzy... I mean I heard Him say "Ask" but there was more that I could QUITE get and I mad...

The Spigot

I was replying to a facebook message from a friend about a song I sang this past Sunday. Suddenly I was preaching in my message. Sorry, Amy, haha. You caught the brunt of my spiritual tourettes (no disrespect intended to those who are overcoming this disorder). But right smack dab in the middle of a sentence I saw a water spigot.  It was barely open and trickling down. Then I saw the ground immediately around it and it was watered, but before the life giving water could reach the rest of the thirsty earth farther away, it was sucked up by the ground closest to the spigot. The brutal sun was bearing down and the dry ground was crying out for refreshing and any droplet, that just happened to find its way to a parched blade of grass was evaporated by the intensity of the suns rays. Then I saw the same spigot open full blast! Water was spraying EVERYWHERE! Making a mess. Completely drenching the ground nearest to it... Infact at times that ground appeare...

The Thing About Legacies

As most of you know, I've been reading some pretty ridiculous literature written by Bethel Church's senior pastor, Bill Johnson. To say that the man is a revolutionary is just about as ridiculous as saying that a forest fire is just a eensy-weensy spark, lol. His perspective and revelations about the Face and Presence and Person of God have COMPLETELY changed my life and my relationship with the extreme Lover of my soul. Here are three of the culprits and catalysts for the destruction of everything I ever thought was right and good in my faith. In the latter book ^^ Hosting the Presence ^^, Bill asks a question about what kind of legacy we want to leave. I read that and instantly I was singing the Nichole Nordeman song "Legacy" I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me And I enjoy an accolade like the rest And you can take my picture and hang it in a gallery Of all the "who's who's" and so-and-so's Th...

Who Dat Lookin' Back at Me??

Malachi was wandered into the kids bathroom while I was brushing Nacho's hair yesterday morning and asked a strange question. " put dat dere..?" He pointed toward the sink. I tried to follow his line of vision and asked, "The sink...?" He shook his little head emphatically and pointed again. "No. Dat light(right) dere." I squatted and tried to see what he could possibly be talking about, lol. He saw me trying to understand and he clarified, "That light(right) dere that I see you..." I pointed to the mirror, "You mean the mirror?" He nodded, big, brown, inquisistive eyes wide. I picked the brush back up and started combing tangles out of Nacho's bedhead(with not too little squealing and whining, I might add..I threatened to shave his head like daddy's and he quited down substantially) "The builder did, baby." He thought about it a minute, "Why he do dat?" "Hmm...we...

What A Lovely Way to Burn

I was driving home from intercessory prayer this morning. "Jesus...I'm sorry, again, for pulling away from You, Friday...I was scared. I've never felt You so deeply before." He smiled. "The funny thing? You know I have been saying, 'Show me Your glory...even if it kills me...I want all of You.' and the FIRST time You even give me just a taste, I back away because it's too much." He chuckled. "I still want that, Lover." "No man can look upon My glory and live. I am an all consuming fire." I set my face and gripped the steering wheel...datgummit, I WILL see Your face. I smiled determinedly, "What a lovely way to burn." Ever wonder where the "Holy Laughter" some of these sweet little ladies have, comes from? Yeah. They got it from Him. 

The Virgin Bride

I'm not going to "share" this on a social community simply because it's not FOR everyone. It's only for those who follow my blog and "get" me.  It's for those who seek a deeper, intimate knowledge of Him. Those who are hungry to know Him....and by 'know' I mean KNOW...Like in the bible. I'm going to share an experience I had with the Uncreated One, this morning, that is only for the mature of Faith.  You have my permission to "share" it if you feel like your "community" could receive it, but I, myself, can't do it simply because there are ppl in my circles that would NOT understand the deep wells that I have stirred up and am drunk with. That being said. I was reading in Face to Face with God by Bill Johnson. I have been for the last few days. I am CONSUMED by the information and revelations in this book. I began to put the principles and information in this book to practice this morning. Here is ...

Useless Appliances O_o

So when you're talking to Him and you say something like: "I don't want all those other things...I just want to be with You. Tell me things I've never heard..Show me things I've never seen...Teach me things I've never known..." Don't be like me and be surprised as heck when He does it... Like immediately. I was turning on our TV and bluray in order to access youtube (which streams thru our bluray) so that I could bask in some Steffany Frizzell and Jen Johnson and Jeremy Riddle while I was reading. When the TV came on, for some reason the bluray didn't. Normally it does. Its connected someway that makes it come on when the TV does. ANYWHO! To get the TV connected again and get it off the scramble screen, you have to punch the "SOURCE" button on the remote and then choose the source of your media. ie. USB, AV, ANTENNA, CABLE/SATELLITE, WEB, or BD PLAYER. Right when I pressed the "source" button, He says: "Y...

Huhbuckuh..huhbackup..HUH?? OH! HaBAKkuk!

Every Tuesday, the leadership at VOICE to the nation gathers to pray and intercede for our city, its officials, our country and officials, this generation, our own leadership, and a host of other things that will rock this land. During prayer last week (yes, it has taken me a WEEK to get this blog done...), I was in the midst of praying for God to manifest His glory and to release miracles thru His ppl...mainly this generation...praying in english and in my spirit language and I kept repeating "Huhbuckuh.." over and over and over...I was kind of confused. #1) My prayer language is not normally super repetitive. #2) Usually when it DOES repeat(for me)He's telling me something or drawing me into something. This was weird tho...bc I could ALMOST understand what was being said...It was I had heard it before... "hubuckuh...huh..back..up..?" Then it clicked, haha. "OH! Ha.BAK.kuk! You want me to go to Habakkuk, haha! Ok. Here I go....

Waiting to Exhale...

Had a revelation on the way to Griffin this morning. I was thinking about breathing. Then He says, "I made you in my image. You're just like Me. I breathe too." "Really?...hmm..I guess I never thought of it that way before..." I was thoughtful for a moment. Haha, knowing Him like I do, I knew He wanted me to ask Him the question so He could show me I chuckled and did. "So how does that work?" I could feel Him smile as he breathed on me. I inhaled the precious peace of His presence and exhaled the stress of my morning. "See?" Still not quite catching it, I kinda nodded and then that nod turned into a head shake, "" "You inhale and exhale." He explained. "And so do I...When you exhale, I take in everything that you have exhaled...stress, anger, fear, pain, worry, FLESH.  I inhale it...regenerating it...refreshing it...making it it My life. When I exhale, you...

"Um, So Why Are You Praying Like That?"

Yesterday, our Bishop pounded us with a deep word. Because he stirs up deep wells. He spends time swimming in the deep places of the Spirit where most are too intimidated to go. It was about the keys to the kingdom. He talked about: Treasures in earthen vessels. Treasures in us. That hidden in these fleshy prisons we call bodies, are keys that unlock each other's potentials...(sound familiar?? haha!) That being said, I was driving the hoarde to school yesterday morning and I was praying over them.  No, I wasn't quietly praying in my spirit. I was PRAYING, I do every morning... Speaking to the callings that each one of them have on their lives. Covering them. Believing in them OUTLOUD where they could hear me tell Daddy how powerful and anointed they are. Thanking Him that His favor rests on each of them and that their schools are LUCKY to have them enrolled there because they are kings and a queen and have access to things that few othe...

Good GRIEF, Little Girl!!

This is Lily. (aka Buglet) She's 1. She's into EVERYTHING . This morning, after the craziness of getting 4 out of 6 of the spawn to school, I plopped down at my computer to check my emails, send some emails, and listen to some songs from our worship lineup for the month of September (which btw is off the CHAIN...gotta love when your practice time is your throw down worship time too, lol). All the while, Buglet is steadily exploring her environment. I've locked up the cabinets that contain dangerous materials and closed the doors that lead to places she doesn't belong, so her exploration is safe for her. Then I realized that, sometime during the night... This little one mutated. some point while the house was in deep slumber, a cosmic anomaly caused a disruption in the atmoshpere of her bedroom and she awakened, Mr. Fantastic's daughter. Things that were out of her reach yesterday...? Yeah. Today? Notsomuch. I mean, coff...

Googlybear's Perception

I was snuggled up with Nacho, today, watching one of his fave movies...Monsters, Inc., and I noticed something I never really paid attention to before.  Mike's perceptive. You know? That little squirt is drama at times...gets worked up pretty quickly. Kinda aggrivating, BUT something else? He's loyal, he's a hopeless romantic, and the MAIN thing that really jumped out at me happened at these moments in the movie: and... In BOTH places, when he had his chance for fame and recognition for all his hard work, something blocked his identity from being realized by the viewer and reader, lol. Poor guy. But what I love the most about this is that in both instances, his friends expected him to be upset about it...and when he gasped, they immediately began to encourage him...but oh no... He was far from upset about it, haha. He was COMPLETELY jazzed that he was "on the COVER OF A MAGAZINE!!!" and that he had been on a commercial. I thi...

On The Small-ish Side of Humanity

(Me at Hatcher Pass around mile 6 on the Gold Mint Trail) As you read this, understand that the majority of this blog was written several days ago. My crazy life has prevented me from being able to post it any sooner :) I hope your spirit man/woman is moved as much as mine has been... Tomorrow makes a week, now, since we returned from our much needed run away to Alaska..and honestly, if I could've packed up my babies, my bestie, and my House and got them all up there to us, we would still be there... Who cares if school starts in 1 day?? Who cares if I have music that's due and dances and performances that need choreography?? Give me a 65 degree summer ANYDAY.. We dont necessarily need to discuss the -50 degree winters, but summers....oh yeah.  Highs barely reaching 70, daylight until 11:30pm-ish...So much country to explore...yessah. That's the life for THIS trail-blazin' mama. So anywho, I'm sitting here, in...

He Is Jealous For Me. Like Alot.

So, I had a moment the other day. A moment when I was faced with a conversation I never thought I would have. My husband told me something that led me to tell him that I was, indeed, hopelessly in love with another man. O_O The other night at IHOP Macon ( ), while I was pouring out my devotion on my Lover, God spoke to my husband. That evening on the way home, he said, "Nicki, God told me something tonight and I didn't know how to take it." I was intrigued. "What did He tell you??" "He told me that I am jealous...of...Him.." I sat silent in the car, waiting for him to go on. "He told me that I resented how intimate you are with Him because I want to be that close with you, but I feel like He's got all of you." I looked incredulously at him. "Really?? He told you that??" I couldnt wrap my mind around the gravity of what he was sharing with me. I was torn ...


So it was late Saturday night. It had been a crazy long day and I was exhausted. After getting everything that my day required finished up, and all preparations for our crazy Sundays done, I collapsed onto our bed and snuggled up with the love of my life. We talked about my day and the struggles I had had to not dwell on negative thoughts and mental predictions...when suddenly, I realized I was talking to myself, lol. The tip off? My poor hubster started snoring softly...midsentence. He was sooooo exhausted, as only a Waffle House Wife can understand, haha. (and any other wife whose husband's job is physically and mentally demanding for lonnnnng hours) As understanding as I was, to be honest, I was little disappointed. There was so much I wanted to tell share with him, but I also knew how incredibly worn out he was. He would've absolutely tried his darnedest to stay away and talk to me if I would've awakened him-because he's wonderful like that-but I...