Huhbuckuh..huhbackup..HUH?? OH! HaBAKkuk!
Every Tuesday, the leadership at VOICE to the nation gathers to pray and intercede for our city, its officials, our country and officials, this generation, our own leadership, and a host of other things that will rock this land.
During prayer last week (yes, it has taken me a WEEK to get this blog done...), I was in the midst of praying for God to manifest His glory and to release miracles thru His ppl...mainly this generation...praying in english and in my spirit language and I kept repeating "Huhbuckuh.." over and over and over...I was kind of confused.
#1) My prayer language is not normally super repetitive.
#2) Usually when it DOES repeat(for me)He's telling me something or drawing me into something.
This was weird tho...bc I could ALMOST understand what was being said...It was I had heard it before...
Then it clicked, haha.
"OH! Ha.BAK.kuk! You want me to go to Habakkuk, haha! Ok. Here I go."
So I left the floor where I had been ATTEMPTING to prostrate myself upon...what with Nacho driving his train in and around the suddenly mountainous terrain of prostrate and kneeling bodies scattered all over the floor...Thankfully there were no tragic pile-ups.
SIDENOTE: I'm convinced that it is no coincedence that Nacho got the call for Pre-K while we were there...God knew that if I brought that child to another intercessory prayer meeting, HE would be the one needing prayer...I ain't even PLAYIN', yall... O_o
So I grabbed my bible off the front row, flipped to Habakkuk, and planted my hind parts firmly on the floor.
As I scanned the scriptures, my eyes landed on Hab 1:5.
If you've been a believer for long, you prolly heard someone quote this scripture...
"Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told..."
I dont have time to touch on how often this is used out of context (He was actually talking about an impending distruction NOT a super cool outpuring...BUT that's another blog...maybe...OK. Nevermind. He just said that was pretty self explanitory)
So ANYWHO! At the end of that underlined scripture, I see where I had written "JOSH 3:5" a long time ago, I guess, bc I do NOT remember writing that, lol. I follow the trail and find this:
"Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."
Can I JUST say...I was stoked. I mean, that's what we have been believing for, praying for, fasting for...
I started to close the Book and He put His finger in it, to speak..."I'm not finished."
"Well, alright then, Daddy. By all means!" I chuckled.
He backed me up to verse 3,4, and 14-17:
"When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go since you have never been this way before..."
For the sake of time and my boredom with typing it can read the reast for yourself :)
Here is what He showed me:
**This is for Worship Leaders mainly, but there are truths here that can help all :)**
#1) There was a FLOODED river that prevented of the Man of God and the people from being able to access the promise of God and it was on a path they had never been before.
#2) It was the priests...the LEVITES...who were to step into the river first, NOT the Man of God.
#3)The priests carried the very presence of God and it was His presence...hosted by the Levite priests...that did the work.
#4) The Man of God led the people across into the promise.
And now for the explanation...which some of you may already see..
#1) God is taking us into a place we have never been before... A land of provision...signs...wonders...A land where His presence overwhelms and outshines any other source of light other than Him. The problem? See there's this huge barrier...a natural one. A barrier that, naturally, we cant get past...and granted, its at FLOOD STAGE and scary as heck...raging waters that are over your head as SOON as your foot leaves the bank... yet God says, "Go. Follow my presence and you will know which way to go since you have never been this way before."
That's all good for the average layperson! They get to wait until the water parts, but what about us?! What about the Levites?! What about the worshippers?! We are the ones who, according to these scriptures, carry the presence of God...He wants US to be the first to step off into the FLOODED river. Yall that river didn't roll back until their feet touched the water...and we aren't talking a gradual slope where their little tootsies get a little wet and then they go in up to their ankles and the water just piles sir. We are talking a wild, raging, rushing RIVER that would sweep them away to death if God didn't do what He said.
#2) Worship is our problem. We've got it all backwards. We depend on the Man of God in our Houses to make a way and lead us over...but, according to this, its OUR job to part the water so he CAN lead us there. It's going to take some fearless, obedient, passionate worship leaders to take up the presence of God and step into that uncertainty...that raging beast of the unkown...and trust God to do what He promised.
We get so lost in the tradition of doing church and the church hierarchy that we have no idea of what the role of the Levite is...We put so much pressure on the Man of God to part the water but he doesn't know how...and even if he does, it's not his job to do that.
You should read the old testament...wars were won because of the Levites...Access to promises were gained because of the Levites. Our job is an 'offensive' one. We don't run 'defensive' plays. We don't carry the ball. We clear the path. We make a hole.
Where the heck did all that football stuff come from?? HAHAHAH! Daddy....You are so funny. I dont even KNOW about football, lol..
#3) People tend to put WAY too much faith in worship leaders....we have too much faith in OURSELVES sometimes too(speaking as a Levite). People look at all of our giftings(we do too)...our talents...and think, "Oh, I feel the spirit so strong when so and so leads that song.." or "I just can't worship as deep when so and so isnt up there..." or "Their voice is like an ANGEL..." AND as worshipers, we get confident in our ability and there isnt alot of room for God sometimes. i have done it before. I'm talented enough to 'make it happen' without one's lives are changed, but it will be a good show. I'm crazy talented.
We tend to think that talent is what hosts God's presence, but its not. Talent never set anyone free. Talent never delivered anyone. Talent never destroyed bondages. Talent didn't die for you. Talent didn't go to hell and take the keys...Jesus did. His presence does the work. Period.
Now don't get me wrong, the priests had to be willing to carry His presence into that river for the miracle to happen, but do not mistake willingness to be used with the actual power that accomplishes the task. We may be 'seen' on stage. We may be the ones that are pouring ourselves out, but we are only CARRIERS of His presence. Without partnership with Him, we might as well throw on our swimmies, because we are going for a ride on a river that we thought we could cross without Him...and when people try to follow us...ew... Not pretty..
#4) As Levites, we carry the presence into the river and we stand allowing our Man of God AND all the people to pass BY us and cross into the promise before us. We dont like that. We want to be first, dont we? We don't like to think that, after we have done all the work, someone ELSE gets to be the first into the promise....I mean, it's ok for the Man of God to be first....he's our leader, afterall, but definitely NOT Joe Schmoe who's only been to church once in the last 6 months!
So we take our hands off of the ark, removing ourselves from partnership with God, and march our way to the front of the line...because we deserve it, right?
Yeah. Thanks to that very mentality, powerful moves of God have been squelched and casualty after horrifying casualty have floated to the surface of raging rivers that were never intended to be graveyards...and what was intended to be a mighty move of God turns into a travesty of pride, dishonor, and selfishness.
God help us.
Help us to honor each other.
Help us to be stoked when others surpass us and walk first into His Glory.
Help us to stand in the middle of the river and hold Your presence high so the journey to your promise and freedom will be one of life and blessing, not one of tragedy and defeat.
Help us to lead the way.
I will host Your Presence.
I will stand....until the last person crosses...I will stand.
Brother and Sister Levites....Stand with me!
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