Useless Appliances O_o
So when you're talking to Him and you say something like:
"I don't want all those other things...I just want to be with You. Tell me things I've never heard..Show me things I've never seen...Teach me things I've never known..."
Don't be like me and be surprised as heck when He does it...
Like immediately.
I was turning on our TV and bluray in order to access youtube (which streams thru our bluray) so that I could bask in some Steffany Frizzell and Jen Johnson and Jeremy Riddle while I was reading.
When the TV came on, for some reason the bluray didn't. Normally it does. Its connected someway that makes it come on when the TV does. ANYWHO! To get the TV connected again and get it off the scramble screen, you have to punch the "SOURCE" button on the remote and then choose the source of your media. ie. USB, AV, ANTENNA, CABLE/SATELLITE, WEB, or BD PLAYER.
Right when I pressed the "source" button, He says:
"You're the TV."
"You are useless unless you are connected to the right 'Source'."
"..." (been doing alot of that lately...)
"You know what you want to see, what you want to experience, but unless you are connected to the right source, you'll never see it. Never experience it...And noone else will either...all you ..or they..will ever see is a confusing, scrambled screen instead of a vivd, high definition thriller."
And again, "..."
I'm connecting RIGHT NOW.
To youtube...and to YOUtube...AAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem...I'm done.
Hey...You're the one Who gave me this sense of humor.
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