"Um, So Why Are You Praying Like That?"

Yesterday, our Bishop pounded us with a deep word.

Because he stirs up deep wells.

He spends time swimming in the deep places of the Spirit where most are too intimidated to go.

It was about the keys to the kingdom.

He talked about:

Treasures in earthen vessels.

Treasures in us.

That hidden in these fleshy prisons we call bodies, are keys that unlock each other's potentials...(sound familiar?? haha!)

That being said, I was driving the hoarde to school yesterday morning and I was praying over them.  No, I wasn't quietly praying in my spirit. I was PRAYING, lol...like I do every morning...

Speaking to the callings that each one of them have on their lives.

Covering them.

Believing in them OUTLOUD where they could hear me tell Daddy how powerful and anointed they are.

Thanking Him that His favor rests on each of them and that their schools are LUCKY to have them enrolled there because they are kings and a queen and have access to things that few other ppl do.

I thanked Him that they carry that favor into those schools and every step they take on those school grounds creates an environment of grace, compassion, provision, and salvation.

I prayed for their discerning gifts to rise up and that they would see with spirit eyes, and no trap would ensnare them.

I prayed for kingdom relationships and "God-Appointments" and the boldness of the Lion, Himself.

Then as we pulled into the first parking lot, I prayed that He would cover them, protect them, and hide them from the enemy.

I loved them, and called out in the embarrassingly loud way (that only mom's can have) "I LOVE YOU, BABY! HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! MAKE GOOD CHOICES AND REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!"

Lol...my poor kids.

I pulled out of the last parking lot and headed to the light, that would be the last hindrance to my progress to the solitude of my house and snuggles with my sweet Buggie, thinking that I had successfully given my kids a great start and had done my 'God-given' duty to cover my babies before I released them into the 'world'.

And then....

He busted me.

I mean I had been feeling pretty good about my motherhood skills up until that awkward moment when He said,

"So, why are you praying like that?"

Before I go farther, I need to tell you that He and I have been discussing 'the art of war' for a bit...and that our job as parents is to raise up warriors who are trained in that art.  Skilled craftsmen in the art of war.

So, my bubble dutifully busted, I responded like anyone else would, "Umm...what are You talking about? Praying like what?"

"You asked me to hide them from the enemy."

"Well, yes."

"That's not a warrior's prayer."


"Pray this way: 'Exalt them. Lift them up. Let their light shine in the darkness.' Instead of praying, 'Hide them from the enemy', pray this way: 'Let the power of their anointing be so strong that the enemy sees them coming and flees from the power of My Glory in them and My Hand upon them. Let the darkness see them and tremble. Let their names be known in the realms of the spirit as mighty warriors...mighty victors...valiant conquerors.' 

That, daughter, is how you should pray for your children."

And so THAT is exactly what I did...right then....

only it was more like, "YEAH! WHAT YOU SAID!!"



  1. Wow, so true. To pray that we would be so filled with and embracing the spirit that the enemy would fear our presence...


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