The Healing One

This is Tucker.

He's beautiful.
Yes, I'm prejudiced.
I'm his mom. I'm supposed to be.
Sometimes I look at him and I think..."Did I really poop that out?!"
He truly is legendary.

I'm still adjusting to the fact that I have to look up at him.
It doesnt bother me like I thought it would...

I like for him to rest his chin on my head when he hugs me...
As long as he doesnt STAY there...

He's so much like me its kinda scary...
Crazy hair...
Crazy fashion...
Will give you the shirt off his back...
But you might not like the style, hahaha.
Complete confidence in who he is.
I love that about him.

He's an encourager...Especially to his mom :)

He's a gifted musician...
Go figure.  :)

He's an insanely talented actor.

He's a visionary.

He loves him some Jesus.

I love that we get to be on stage together often.
When we are on different rotations, I love having a front row seat to see him worship.
He doesn't care what anyone thinks, and some can think that's dangerous. Personally, this makes my heart smile.

He is incredibly tenderhearted and compassionate

He's an advocate for anyone who has suffered injustice...
Like a passionate advocate.

He will serve you almost to the point of aggravation.

Respect is HUGE to him.

He has a COLOSSAL destiny and the enemy fights HARD to steal it...

Wanna know why?

He's a healer...among other things...

When we are sick, we turn to this one.

Of course, we call upon God, but we access Heaven through this one's hands.

Healing Hands.
Just like Rapha.


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