The Book Thing
About 8 months ago, a dear friend prophesied over me that I would write 3 books and not to get distracted by the illustrations.
I thought, "Ok. I've got 2 already in the works...but....I really....don't need illustrations..."
And then she said, "And there are children's books too."
I know I didn't hear that.
I'm not a children's author.
She must've heard wrong.
The books I write are novels and blog-style...definitely not children's books and I CERTAINLY don't feel a pull in that direction....At all.
But I know this woman....I know she hears from Papa....
So I chalked it up and put it, wrapped ever-so-neatly, onto the shelf in the back of my mind for another season.
Then, in December, I was sitting in the recliner at our former house and one of the littles came through and said, "Mama can you tie my shoes? I been tryin' and tryin' and it's just too hard!"
He was quite upset about it. Tears were welling up in his big blue eyes.
I smiled and responded, "Come here, baby. Don't cry. It wont always be hard for you. Your hands are just s little too small yet."
I tied his shoe, gave him a hug and off he went.
I settled back in with my bible and a few minutes later,
"Mama? Can you fix the wheel on this car?"
Putting the bible down, I took the car and, after a few grunts and some tongues under my breath, I got the wheel back on and handed it back.
"There ya go. Be careful next time."
I settled back in again, picked up my bible and...
I set the bible down for the THIRD time in 5 minutes and stomped to the bathroom to see what the hollerin' was all about. I mean, SHEESH! I just want to read my stinkin' BIBLE!
Great attitude, right?
There was Buggie trying her DARNEDEST to reach the faucet in the sink. Messy, bed-head frenchbraid, oversized t-shirt and bare feet, toothbrush in hand and more toothpaste on the counter than on her toothbrush.
So biting back the exclamation that was clawing to get out about the mess, I Started to take the toothbrush and wet it for her.
She didn't WANT me to take the brush and wet it for her....oh no. The Buglet is MUCH too independent for that! She wanted me to pick her up to extend her reach so she could do it herself.
The rest of the day and afternoon pretty much followed suit. By the time supper rolled around and their dad walked in, I was "MAMA!"-ed out.
After supper, Shane and I had just settled into the oversized recliner, when ...
"Mama...Can I snuggle with you in dat chair?"
I really just wanted to be left alone.
Don't judge. You know, if you were honest, that you have felt that, too, on more than one occasion as a mom.
I didn't want to hear that name ONE MORE TIME that day. In fact, I had told the last one who had called my name, that I didn't know who that was, haha. They had to figure my name out. So instead of hollering "MAMA!" they were now preoccupied with what my new name was.
I think they settled on 'Petunia', which was fine by least it wasn't 'Mama'.
That night as I lay in the bed, with 2 out of 4 littles piled in with us, I processed the day....about how I couldn't even count how many times they had said my name. Resenting the lack of quiet time and privacy and about how INFERNALLY annoying it was, and then....
"You are their hero. You are the constant in their life right now. You are the solver of their problems and the one who makes everything alright in their worlds. The name 'Mama' isn't a curse, Beloved, it's a precious blessing."
I love when He tenderly corrects my selfishness and spoiled rotten attitude.
It was then, in that moment of deep conviction and repentance, that the "Mama Can You..?" series was born...and go figure. There are three of them.
The next day, I began writing book one, "Mama Can You..?" and as I wrote, tears of gratitude began to flow freely.
I wrote about my own children...not someone else's.
I wrote about our conversations and what my response SHOULD be, but honestly, isn't all of the time.
I wrote about unconditional trust.
I wrote about childlike faith that melts a heart of stone.
I wrote about love.
I began to illustrate it...because I'm a control freak.
But I just didn't have time....and then I remembered.
My friend from last year and what she had said. "Don't get distracted by the illustrations." And it made perfect sense.
So now, my wonderful friend is partnering with me on this and she is an AMAZING artist, and I am still writing children's books...about life and love and my children's adventures along the way.
Pray and ask the Father if He would have you so into this ministry to remind Mama's that being called "Mama" matter how often or at what a precious blessing, while at the same time promoting snuggle time with our littles.
If you feel lead to donate, please click the link to my gofundme page.
Thank you ever so much!
A Worship Mom.
No scratch that.
A Mama.
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