See What Had Happen Was...
Well hello, there!!! Been a minute, right??
I'll explain another blog, but for now, I'm in a HUGE rush BECAUSE I'm supposed to be CLEANING, Abba...Yes. Yes, I'm talking to You...but You told me that I had to stop everything and do this for my friend. SO! If You dont mind, it would be nice for you to pull a time stop like you did for Joshua...No. I'm not fighting a battle that needs daylight, BUT I am preparing my house to be invaded by teenagers tonight...I think that merits a time stop.
Oh well. It was worth a try, lol.
See what had HAPPEN was, Wednesday night at church a special Levite friend of mine made a statement that pulled on His heart and Abba had something to say to my friend. But it was SO loud in the room and I was SO drunk(fasting and a HUGE dose of His love tends to do that to one), that I couldnt hear Him was all fuzzy...
I mean I heard Him say "Ask" but there was more that I could QUITE get and I made a promise to Him, and to me, that I would only say what I heard Him say.
So being unable to make it out clearly, I told my friend that God had something to say to him, but that I couldnt hear Him clearly and would get with him later.
NOW! Fast forward to home after church: (understand that the service was RIDICULOUS and His love was SO intoxicating....My kids said I was dancing like a ballerina while I was singing...which for those of you who know the metal, headbanging side of me, you know how CRAZY that is....I was sloshed by the time I got home...HA!)
Like TOW UP FROM THE FLOW UP, sloshed.
I collapsed on the bed and started giggling and made some random comment about needing to take off my make up and died laughing.
Looking back...
I can't figure out why that was so funny...
I stumbled to the bathroom and looked at my silly self in the mirror for a sec...loving the glow of His love that I saw on my face. As I began the de-war painting process, I heard Him say,
"Ask. Seek. Knock."
"ok, Abba. Ask, Seek, Knock...from Matthew..yes..what about it"
giggle, snort.
"Settle down, daughter, and listen."
Big cleansing, try-to-be-serious sigh.
"Ok. I'm all Yours..." and in my mind I went ALL the way with that
"What does that mean to you when I say that?"
I thought about it.
"Well, Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you...I heard that a million times and I agree with it...what about it?"
"My child..." I could hear the patience in His voice, "In relation to what I have shown you recently"
Slowly the light bulb in my spirit started fizzling and crackling...
How many times had I asked Him...begged Him...CRIED OUT to Him for more of Him?
How many times had I sought Him out, sought out the deep things of the Spirit, sought out information on HOW to walk in power and authority...?
I felt Him smiling as the bomb He had just laid in my lap started ticking...
Then He detonated it.
"There's only one more step." He said.
I gulped, remembering my impassioned cry to Him earlier that day: "OH GOD! MY ANSWER WILL ALWAYS BE YES!!!"
"to knock..." I stated nervously.
"Yes." He chuckled.
See, I never understood it before then. The door to everything He has for me...for us...its there, and we wonder why its closed and we see no supernatural supernatural provisions...healings...power...
And he says back to us, "You have to knock first."
Hm....What does it mean to knock? HOW do we knock?
Can we just say, "knock, knock!" and expect it to just majically alert the person on the otherside that we are there waiting to cross the threshold into their abiding place?
It takes a physical action to make that happen and maybe...just maybe...the reason we aren't seeing His fullness...walking in His fullness is because we are missing a piece of the puzzle...
Some may be like me and have asked and sought, but haven't made that scary final step yet...
Others may be pounding away on the door, but have negelected to ask Him...or seek Him out...
I mean think about it. If you had no idea who was pounding your door down, would YOU open it?? Infact, in Matthew 25 it says that the door will be closed and He will say "I don't know you."
Any way you look at it, that scripture in Matthew 7:7-9 was more than just a was a key.
A key that would open the doors of heaven in our lives!
As I hopped back into bed that night and told the hubster what was going on in my noggin...and when I told him what Abba had said about that I had one step left...
"Do you know what it is?" I was nervous about even saying it out loud, hahaha.
My wonderful husband, who knows me so well...and knows how to take a serious, exciting moment and completely destroy it says:
(in his best Axl Rose impersonation)
SO! Friend of mine, the word of the Lord to you is this: Ask. Seek. Knock. The door is unlocked and waiting for you to come in. HA! "come on in the room".
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