Who Dat Lookin' Back at Me??

Malachi was wandered into the kids bathroom while I was brushing Nacho's hair yesterday morning and asked a strange question. "Um...um..who put dat dere..?" He pointed toward the sink. I tried to follow his line of vision and asked, "The sink...?" He shook his little head emphatically and pointed again. "No. Dat light(right) dere." I squatted and tried to see what he could possibly be talking about, lol. He saw me trying to understand and he clarified, "That light(right) dere that I see you..." I pointed to the mirror, "You mean the mirror?" He nodded, big, brown, inquisistive eyes wide. I picked the brush back up and started combing tangles out of Nacho's bedhead(with not too little squealing and whining, I might add..I threatened to shave his head like daddy's and he quited down substantially) "The builder did, baby." He thought about it a minute, "Why he do dat?" "Hmm...we...