Hahaha...running up and down my hallway, at break-neck speeds, are two little munchkins who, I swear, will be the undoing of the structural stability of this house. Daddy, thankYou for these little monsters and thankYou for their zest for life. I will not resent the constant pounding of stomping feet. I will smile when thier squeals of delight interrupt the 200th attempt to concentrate on the task at hand. I will remember the days when that same noise and feeling on my bare feet intrigued and entertained me too. I will laugh instead of chastise. I will embrace instead of spank. Shoot! I'll join them and we REALLY bring the house down! Abba, only You know what the neighbors will think, HA! Oh, who cares?? Here's to running and stomping and jumping and squealing and screaming and yelling at that TOP OF OUR LUNGS! WOW! THIS IS FUUUUUNNNN!!!!! (to my stunned children) "Why are you looking at me like that??"
Must. Have. Metalllllllllll. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! So....Daddy has been working on me about letting people into my life...thus the blog. But I have this habit of letting ppl into what's going on in our lives, but not letting them in to MY life. SO! I'm going to let you all in on "me"....well, kinda....hey, it's a process, ok? I'm letting you in on something I've been dealing with...may not be big to any of you out there, but to me? This is hugonic. Annnnnd here it is: I love music. I love metal. I love classical. I love jazz. I love gospel. I love reggae. I love blues. I love punk rock. I love ska. I love hardcore. I love contemporary chrisitan....get the picture? I love music...all of it. And I'm gifted in most of it....and it wouldnt take much study for me to be gifted in all. For a while, I've been craving a little more than what I'm operating in and it's been really difficult. ...
This is Pedro. He's pretty much the best dog we've ever had. Is he a dog? Nope. Is he a cat? Nope. But don't tell HIM that. According to him, he is a weird combination of pig/dog/cat... A pig-at-og...pigatog...that's kinda fun to say, actually... ANYWHO! He's SUPER smart, and his intelligence tells him, often, when he needs to back down from a fight and because of this? He avoids unnecessary confrontations. I think Christians could learn a lot from him in that arena. BUT! That is not the point of my ramblings today. But then...He's only ever had to make that decision with a fence between him and who or whatever he has come into contact with that made him nervous...UNTIL last week. See what had happen was: On a Thursday evening, the stud hubs was making the rounds to lock up the house for bed and saw blue lights flashing through the glass on our front door. Curiously, he opened it to find two patrol cars and a truck with a horse trailer parke...
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