Mmm..Juicy Tidbits I admit it. I adore Gordon Ramsey. Every show he has made, I will locate every season and, like the food channel groupie that I am, will watch as many episodes as I can squeeze into a 24 hour period...Usually when the kids are in bed or gone because his sailor mouth is no where NEAR as refined as his palate.
Abba actually told me it was perfectly FINE to be so addicted to these shows...
I'm lying.
No, He didn't.
So ANYWHO, in September, the hubster had a myelogram ( on a Thursday and had a pretty rough time...thus the first half of this bloggage being written while sitting in the waiting room at the hospital..
Once we got him home FINALLY...(It was a ROUGH trip from Macon to home...literally vomiting every 5 miles) He was in our bedroom and I was sitting in the living room with the littles trying to keep the noise level down for his sake...when all of a sudden I hear this man, hooting and "bahahaha"-ing in our bedroom and he (the man who had such a violent headache that he couldn't move without puking) was shouting for me to come and see this show he found on hulu.
I'm thinking, "what the heck?? it must be pretty darn funny for him to risk puking over it.."
So I scooted back to the bedroom and eased onto the bed beside him and proceeded to watch the try-outs for Master Chef Season 3. We laughed together and we were dutifully hooked.
Like I needed any help with that.
So when he was admitted to the hospital on Saturday afternoon and I couldnt go with him (due to a very puky little choclate drop), I sat and watched too many episodes...all in the name of snuggling a sickly little one. :)
Hey, don't judge.
When Sunday rolled around and I was still trapped in my house, what did I do? Well, I turned on Master Chef, of course! But fate was not on my side that day...A 'little' that doesn't know how to communicate that he's going to puke can be quite a job.
At the table.
On the couch.
In the middle of the living room.
On the toilet.
Absolutely no warning...
Every. Where.
Needless to say the clean up efforts were consuming every waking minute.
Add to that, that I was desperately wanting to be with my love at the hospital and that because of the virus, no one could come stay with the kiddos and relieve me...
I was not a happy girl.
Don't misunderstand. I had peace. SOOO much peace (another blog). But even when you are peaceful and the Presence is so sweet, you still miss your spouse and long to be with them.
BUT! My UHmazing mom put on her super hero cape, swooped in, and released me to go to my love.
All of the CRAZINESS that happened after for the sake of THIS post, I'm going to keep those deets to a minimum.
After I got there and had some serious moments with staff, coordinators, and a phone call to the retiring CEO, the poor hubster was moved to a room and we were finally snuggling in a bed, big enough for both of us...And guess what we were doing with all that free snuggle time....??
That's right.
We were watching Master Chef.
Amid all the competition and the crazy characters, a profound statement was made by one of the competitors that sent spiritual ripples through that hospital room.
Even as I'm recalling it now, I still am like, "woah."
May not be much to you, but it was a serious "that will PREACH" moment for me.
Here it is.... You ready?
"If it grows together, it goes together."
I'll just take a minute to let that sink in.
What's that, you say?....Say it again??
Well, alright!
"If it GROWS together, it GOES together."
Now, before I gert into the heart of what this post is about, let me just say that there are other types of "transplants", if you will, that are for the good of a 'body' part of the 'body' has been wounded and does not heal. Gangrene sets in and the appendage become the whole body...and must be removed to save the life of the 'body' it was attached to.
And then there are also the instances when a 'body' is sick and in need of a transplant. A healthy 'body' then donates a vital, healthy organ to heal the sickness of the lame one.
Annnnnd in plant life, there are instances when a plant gets too big for its pot...from all the growing its been doing...the roots become so entagled and wound together...too familiar...that no nourishment can be received and it threatens the entire plant, SO it must be de-potted, split off and re-potted into two containers..
But those are not what this post is about....not what is so heavy on my Abba's heart.
So here's my 'skinny' on it:
Think of our bodies...lots of parts...but all one exquisite creation.
The bible talks about it too. Most of us are blessed enough to have one whole body with all different pieces of it growing and maturing together at the same rate...and everything 'fits'. It all goes together, right?
Most of us wouldn't look at our hand and say, "Hmmm...I think this human hand doesn't fit me quite right....I think I switch it with this bear paw...I like it fits my personality more."
So if we wouldnt do that physically, then WHY do we do that spiritually??
We look at people who share our faith, and instead of seeing their individual value and importance, we are SO quick to trade them in for something 'better' that doesnt even fit or even make sense.
OR (and increasingly more often)
We seperate ourselves from the body we grew on, saying "we dont fit anymore..." and we attach to another body in the place where we 'feel' like we fit the best....
when a 'foot' really doesn't..
all that...
where the hand that...
was already...
is growing...
Poppycock, I say.
Example: My son, Wyatt, is 13. He's growing rapidly....
Like....sheesh, kid, can you slow down, rapidly.
His legs and knees are KILLING him alot these days. He's extremely athletic which, according to his orthopaedic doc, compounds the issue.
He hurts.
But has he ever said, "Hey mom, my legs hurt. Can we just cut them off?....No? What about my knee? It's hurting kinda bad too...Can we cut IT off?"
No........never said that to me.
Because it's stupid.
He knows that if he cuts them off that he wont be able to walk at all.
He doesn't want fake legs.
He doesn't want anyone else's legs.
He wants HIS legs...pain and all.
Because he knows the pain wont last forever.
How does he know this?
His Doc says it's growing pains, because his body is maturing and growing so fast....and that it's NORMAL, and Wyatt chooses to listen to this man who has been trained in this field...who has seen this before... and trust him.
Many 'bodies' are young and growing these days...and growing fast. All have growing pains...some more than others because they are more active than others...
and it's NORMAL.
But we don't listen to those who have seen this before, or experienced it before.
We make out like it's the end of the world to have discomfort in the body that we grew on and we sever ourselves when we dont understand...when we feel pain...when we 'feel' disconnected...When it HURTS.
We remove ourselves from our body and transplant ourselves onto another body that doesn't really need us...all the while leaving OUR body crippled and trying to fit a prosthesis into a place where a living breathing appendage should still be....
And the phantom appendage remains...
Pain where there is no arm or leg or hand.
A constant reminder that what was once there...
Is there no longer.
See, that's why the world is so repulsed by the church these days....its NOT beautiful....Its a Frankenstein church. Bits and pieces of other bodies all patched together...
And the church moves like Frankenstein...
Stiff, unnatural, restricted....
and the Bridegroom is coming...for His Bride...
Oh Jesus...forgive us!
For You are coming for a Radiant, Pure Bride who can dance with You...
and we....
we are a Frankenstein Bride and its been so long since many of us have danced with You that we don't even realized how stiff and monstrous we have become.
We have allowed ourselves to rationalize division with righteous indignance...
Oh God, help Your Bride to come together...
Back together...
Because that's where we belong...
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