(best gaming announcer voice) "Total...Annihilation.."
If you've been around me during worship and/or intercession for more than 2 minutes, then you have prolly heard one of these in what I call 'desperate voice':
"OH! I am DESTROYED by Your love, Papa!!"
"Come and DESTROY us with Your love, Jesus!!"
It's actually quite comical when someone doesn't know what's going on...ie, the bus driver...
yeahhhhhh.....funny story, lol.
Funny thing about the word 'destroy'?
It's not such a black and white word, like one would think.
I was reading in Deuteronomy the other day and Moses was recapping all that the House of Israel had been thru from the time their journey began.
I have 2 opinions on it.
#1 - To remind them of the faithfulness of God
#2 - This generation were babies or young children when all the craziness with their folks went down the FIRST time they were getting ready to enter the promise. I think Moses was recapping to tell them the story...again...so there wouldn't be a repeat performance.
I noticed, in one sentence, that there was a small 'reference' letter beside the world 'destroy'.
"Hm!" Curiosity began to blossom, "Wonder what that is?"
The atmosphere in the room was immediately electric, which COMPLETELY got me stoked because I knew He was getting ready to show me something... I LOVE it when He teaches me!
He's such an exciting teacher!
So, I looked down at the bottom of the page and traced my fingers along the letters until I found the matching one.
It read like this:
"In the Hebrew, it often meant to completely and irrevocably give over land, possesions, and/or people to the Lord, often by
complete destruction."
Holy. Mercy. Goodness.
I could feel His delight as I sat and soaked that in.
I began to think about how I have used the term in my prayers and worship...
Without even realizing it, I was praying,
OH! I am completely and irrevocably giving myself over to You!!"
As Heidi Baker says, "HO-ly! Shakkah babbah!"
THEN, yesterday, my sweet sissy-in-law was visiting and we were talking about how everything is changing...and that the theme lately has been "shaking"... that God is changing the way we do and see 'church'...and I began to share this revelation with her.
But as the words, "often by complete destruction" came out of my mouth, I saw a wasteland...
Whatever had been standing there was completely leveled and smoking.
Then I heard the words, "I'm shaking everything that can be shaken...Breaking everything that can be broken...I'm changing everything...Rebuilding..."
And suddenly there was scaffolding, then walls...
Then the picture was gone.
I got a little excited, lol.
Sometimes for God to make things new, old things and ways of doing things have to be 'destroyed'.
WOO!! He just gave me this scripture...Like JUST now!
"6 “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.
7 I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.
8 ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.
9 ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” "
Haggai 2:6-9
Yes God!!! Do it!! We are DESTROYED!!
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