There's a Herd of Wild Elephants Running Thru My House!

Hahaha...running up and down my hallway, at break-neck speeds, are two little munchkins who, I swear, will be the undoing of the structural stability of this house. Daddy, thankYou for these little monsters and thankYou for their zest for life. I will not resent the constant pounding of stomping feet. I will smile when thier squeals of delight interrupt the 200th attempt to concentrate on the task at hand. I will remember the days when that same noise and feeling on my bare feet intrigued and entertained me too. I will laugh instead of chastise. I will embrace instead of spank. Shoot! I'll join them and we REALLY bring the house down! Abba, only You know what the neighbors will think, HA! Oh, who cares?? Here's to running and stomping and jumping and squealing and screaming and yelling at that TOP OF OUR LUNGS! WOW! THIS IS FUUUUUNNNN!!!!! (to my stunned children) "Why are you looking at me like that??"