Hidden Treasures, Mysteries, Sea Monsters...In A Creek
So this is Ernie's Trail in Wyomia Tyus Park.
Shane and I were walking thru these amazing nature trails and we came across a cute little bridge (not ^this one^). We stopped for a sec and looked over the rails at the multitude of moss covered rocks and pebbles beneath us. The water tickled over them invitingly, as if saying,"Come explore!"
Instantly, we were both transported back to our childhoods and the adventures we would have in creeks just like this one.
Shane laughed and said, "Oh, wow! I remember when I was a kid, how I would spen HOURS down in there climbing all over, turning over rocks and..."
"..And looking for salamanders and crawdads and getting soaking wet!" I finished his sentence and we both laughed and reminisced about all the things we would do in creeks like this one. Then, he said something that kinda hurt my heart a little...
He looked over the edge of the bridge again and said, "You know, I probably wouldn't just hop down in there, these days.."
Absently, I nodded and agreed, because honestly, I probably wouldnt either of my own accord.
So I asked him, "Why?"
"Several reasons." He began. " Reason #1: Do you see how steep the sides of the bank are?? I would probably break my neck if I tried to get down in there."
He laughed and so did I....I mean, really. The idea of my big, tall hubster slipping and sliding down that embankment to end up in a tangled pile of grasshopper legs was humorous to me. Haha...still is.
"Reason #2: Snakes." He grimmaced slightly. (The man ABHORS snakes, lol) "Reason #3: Poison oak and ivy."
I thought about what he said as I looked at the creek again. He was right. There was definitely the possibility of ALL of those things...and suddenly, the inviting creek wasnt so inviting anymore. And it was in that moment that Holy Spirit broke my heart.
The following is a dialogue that transpired between me and The Uncreated One as I leaned into my strong husband and we stood there gazing at this enigma of a creek from the 'safe' side of the bridge.
UNCREATED ONE: This is the very reason that I am pouring out my spirit on the YOUNGER generation.
ME: What? Why??
UNCREATED ONE: The younger generation hears my call and they, like you with the creek as a child, see only the adventures awaiting them. They see hidden treasures to be uncovered, mysteries to be solved, seamonsters to be bested and captured. When I call your generation into something, you analyze it. You look at all the possible outcomes. You see only the dangers...or POSSIBLE dangers.
My child, look at the creek. (I did) Is there a snake in sight?
ME: Well, no...but it could be under a rock or behind a branch that I cant see.
UNCREATED ONE: Is there a snake in sight?
ME: No.
UNCREATED ONE: You can not fear encounters with the enemy. Yes, there are snakes in my creation. Yes, you will encounter them. Yes, they can be deadly, but you must not allow fear to prevent you from going where I have called you to go. I am greater than anything you will ever face and in reality...I created them. All of them. And I have given you dominion...not fear.
UNCREATED ONE: Look at the banks. (I did) Is there a path that you can see?
ME: No. There's only mud and roots and rocks.
UNCREATED ONE: Look closer. Do not hurry. Take your time and LOOK.
(I looked and low and behold, as I scanned the banks, I saw a way that I could get safely to the creek bed.)
ME: I see a way, now.
UNCREATED ONE: Just because first glance doesn't reveal an easy way down, doesnt mean there is no way. This generation has become lazy and will only travel where the road is flat, easy and well traveled. The problem with that is that I have called you to be pioneers...not a herd of cows following a beaten path. I always make a way where there seems to be no way. You must first, take the first step into the unknown. I will not always make it plain to you. Each step is dependent upon me and my guidance.
UNCREATED ONE: Do you see Poison Oak or Ivy?
ME: (thinking, HA! YES! Point proven!) Yes, I do. Its there, and there and there....and there.
UNCREATED ONE: If you can see it, then you know what to look for, right?
ME: ...
UNCREATED ONE: And if you know what it looks like you can avoid it. There will be poisonous things in your path ...people, relationships, circumstances...as you walk into the adventure I've laid out for you, but as you grow in me and in the knowledge of me, you will recognize them for what they are and avoid them. As long as you dont touch, you are safe.
(I was silent for a moment taking it in...everything that He said in just a few words.)
UNCREATED ONE: See the problem is not Freedom, my precious one. You have the freedom to hop that rail and go enjoy my creation. The problem is courage. The problem is you have lost your sense of adventure...the same is true with your generation.
(I gasped inwardly and then spewed everything He was telling me all over the hubster. Shane was like, OH WOW!!)
UNCREATED ONE: You ask me....BEG me for Freedom...but you already HAVE Freedom. WHy ask for what is already yours, love? Where My Spirit is, there is Freedom and if My Spirit abides in you, then you are free. You ask amiss. Ask me for Courage. Ask me for a revelation of Adventure.
(I'm reeling by now, and like a water hose, I'm pouring everything onto Shane and he is as taken aback as I am by all this)
Shane and I were quiet for a bit. Taking it in. What He had just spoken was so hurtful, but so incredibly true. How often had He called me to jump the rail and come play and I LONGED to do it, but all the "what if's" plagued me to the point that I chose to stay on the 'safe' side of the rail.
No. More.
I will be the one. I will be the one to show this younger generation how exhilarating this walk can be. I will be the one that jumps the rail and skids on my butt down the bank and splashes into the wetness of His adventures while others are shouting down at me, "You'll get dirty!" or "Watch out for snakes!" I'll be the one to uncover the hidden treasures of who and why He is. I'll be the one to best those serpents and take THEM captive. I'll be the sleuth that chases the Mysterious One until I find Him. I will be the one that enjoys life with my Creator/Brother/Daddy/Friend/Lover so incredibly much that this younger generation says, "That looks amazing! I think I'll have some of what SHE'S having..!"
I am adventurous because He is adventure itself. I am courageous because He is courage itself. I am free because He is freedom itself.
A crazy life full of adventure and signs and wonders? Yes please.
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