Shane and I were talking, yesterday, on the way to IHOP Macon where I lead a devotional set every Friday.

There were four of us in the car, and he drops the bomb, "When you get done with that, I need to tell you something..."

I looked up from the chord sheet I was transposing and said, "okay...?"

His eyes were glistening with unshed tears and immediately my mind began racing with what he could possibly have to tell me that would stir up that emotion in him.

I set my work to the side and gave him my full attention.

Right there...in the car...infront of two of the most precious teenagers...he proceeded to weep and to tell me how God had convicted him about not pouring into me and the giftings and anointings that I have...he went on and needless to say the entire car, barring Claud(haha) was a weeping mess.

He told me that God had told him that he was to invest in me and my music...and while he was speaking my mind immediately saw the face of one of my bosom sisters. She is a blessing to me in more ways than I have time to type, but for the sake of this blog, we write music together. 

When I thought of her, I immediately started bawling again, saying, "I can't do it with out April.."

What was loyalty in my mind, became spiritual epiphany as it bubbled up out of my mouth.

I really could NOT do it without her.

You see...I have had deep passionate lyrics, haunting melodies and chain busting songs locked up inside of me that I have tried for YEARS to unlock...

No matter WHO I wrote or worked with, no matter who epic the songs we created together...there was always the feeling that I was missing something...there was a MORE epic song...

It haunted me.

Then one day April came to workout....and we pulled out the keyboard and, even though the plug in adapter was against us, we worshiped together for the first time...There was an almost audible "click" as the key slipped into the lock. Then as we began to write our first song together, the key turned and the deep things that had been locked inside came flooding out.

Haha! Needless to say it has been a FLOOD ever since, BUT! April will tell you. When she comes in, I will say something like, "I have this ...thing...on my heart...but I'm not sure how to put it..." I'll tell her a little bit, she'll sit at the keys and start playing and humming and then its like a river bursts in both of us and a song is birthed.

I STILL can NOT get it out alone. We dont even have to be TALKING about music. Just being in the room with her anointing unlocks those things. And I would venture to say that it's the same way with her. It's one of the reasons we LOVE to be together! We look forward to hanging out because when we are together, we have access to things we cant access seperately.

I sat there squalling as Daddy revealed to me His plan for the body of believers.

We are all a "lock" or a "key" or both. When we walk in unity with one another, in one accord, having all things in common, our anointings unlock the secret things in each other that He has placed inside of us that we don't have access to otherwise. We fit together! And just like a lock will ALWAYS need a key, we will ALWAYS need each other.

Its why the Word exhorts us to "not forsake the gathering of yourselves together"...It has nothing to do with encouragement and doing church...it has EVERYTHING to do with accessing the power that lies hidden...locked deep inside of us...unlocking the power that this world needs...We NEED each other!! And just like April and I, when you feel the "click"...when you experience the resulting amazing-ness...and then it leaves when they leave...You crave to be with them all the time, because you LOVE them and NEED them and WANT what they draw out of you...!!

1 How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.    -Psalm 133 

PS...Did I mention that I. Love. That. Man.  ??


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