
That Moment When Alone Time Isn't Worth It

It had been a long day for me at work, traveling between two offices. It looked something like this: Forgot my lunch, left my coffee in the car, temps actually got above freezing and my car decided that it only wanted to emit HEAT from the vents that refused to actually BLOW, finally ate a very late lunch but my stomach was pissed by that time and...Wow. All of this on the heels of very little sleep after staying up to watch the sad loss of the Championship Game to Bama (good game guys!).  Needless to say, I was more than pooped and wanted nothing more than to head straight for my big, comfy bed to collapse under 200 pounds of blankets. Get all that?? I came in the garage door, marched/dragged...Ok. It was more like a crawl... to the bedroom, threw on my PJs and slipped into bed.  I grabbed my phone and did a little work, Maddie came in from school...All was quiet...Except in my stomach. Lawd help. And THENNNNN the kiddos got home. Nacho needed help with h...

Ok. Flag on the Play.

Can I just be real with y'all for a bit?  Really?  Ok, thanks. I've wanted to talk about this for a long time, now, but I needed to make sure my heart was healed before I tackled trying to verbalize what happened to me and what it did to me....Because bleeding hearts can be dangerous weapons. I thank Papa God for the community of believers He led our family to after all had happened, for it was there that He told me that my heart was broken and that I had had my identity stripped from me and that I needed to be reminded of who I was.  Facing my pain and insecurities that came as a result of mistaken identity, false accusations, and underlying agendas was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, outside of facing sexual abuse from my childhood. Realizing and understanding fully that you have been manipulated for one's own purposes by people you love and trust is devastating...IF you aren't surrounded by those who love you for who you are (not what yo...

Eh...The Jury Is Out on Cheat Days.

So, Many of you know that I've been on a journey to health and fitness.  It's a journey that started years ago and one that I got lazy in for many reasons that I won't go into, here.  But about 3.5 months ago, I had a pretty rude awakening. I was heavier than I had ever been in my life, even though most people would say that they never considered me obese. I began to be short of breath, even when I wasn't exerting myself, and I started having more and more frequent mild chest pains. My ankles and legs pretty much stayed swollen and I was just exhausted all of the time.  My asthma had really started acting up again, too.  Papa God had been talking to me for about six or eight months about my health and wellness. I would listen to Him with my heart and then start full force.  I would work out so hard and eat better, but then...Cheat day....That turned into cheat days... I rationalized that this was ok because I was working out so hard... It wasn't ...

"Pigheaded" Makes So Much More Sense.

This is Pedro. He's pretty much the best dog we've ever had. Is he a dog? Nope. Is he a cat? Nope.  But don't tell HIM that.  According to him, he is a weird combination of pig/dog/cat... A pig-at-og...pigatog...that's kinda fun to say, actually... ANYWHO! He's SUPER smart, and his intelligence tells him, often, when he needs to back down from a fight and because of this? He avoids unnecessary confrontations. I think Christians could learn a lot from him in that arena. BUT!  That is not the point of my ramblings today. But then...He's only ever had to make that decision with a fence between him and who or whatever he has come into contact with that made him nervous...UNTIL last week. See what had happen was:  On a Thursday evening,  the stud hubs was making the rounds to lock up the house for bed and saw blue lights flashing through the glass on our front door. Curiously, he opened it to find two patrol cars and a truck with a horse trailer parke...

Shaving Blind. Yep. Pretty Smart.

So we have this situation. Our septic is as such that if we use our garden tub, it backs up the lines.. Mhmm. Gross. Unfixable except at great expense, SO! We shower in lieu of sit baths. This works great except for shaving. I'm not the most coordinated person anyway, so this can present a pretty sketchy scenario when its time to cut down the trees on my legs...But add to that the fact that I'm BLIND... Yep. I cant wear my glasses in the shower, for obvious reasons, but I also can't wear my contacts in the shower because tap water in my eyes reacts with my lenses and dries them out. Code Language: Not fun. So, I shave...pretty much blind. I can see shapes but its really blurry...kinda like opening your eyes under water with no mask on. Kinda like this:   So, after leg day, I hopped in the shower...Correction: I stumbled into the shower. One does not 'hop' anywhere after leg day...and I began the process of shaving blind.  ...

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body...Errmm...Can I just stay Weak??

Hahahaha! Ya'll. This picture was so me the other day. HAHAHAHA! Went down for a "Surrender" and just about surrendered for REAL. This is why I'm always in the FRONT when I work out with my TV or my computer...So people who work out with me only see the back of my head and not the "Oh sh$#, I can't get up!" face. HAHA! Too much real, right here. Hahaha! So, about 6 weeks ago, I started reclaiming my life and my health. I had my eating plan all mapped out and I was so motivated through the first workout.  I weighed more than I ever have in my life and my health was scary. I'm asthmatic and diabetes runs in my family and I was well on my way to heart issues.  My first workout in 2 years was an ugly one, but I completed it...Even if I did cheat a little.  It felt SO good to be active...until. About 20 minutes after I had finished the work out, my entire body began to get this tingly-numb muscles felt like they were going to sl...

Mom, Mom, Mum, Mum, Mommy...Shoot Me Now.

Today, I'm thinking about this afternoon when I'll trapped in the car with my kids who have been cooped up in a classroom all day with no permission to speak freely.  I'm thinking about how many times I will hear "Momma!" or "Mommy?" or "Mom, Look...Mom!"  And can I be honest? My skin starts to crawl a little.  From the time I get the first child in the car at 2:30pm to the time we get home after picking up the Senior from Cross Country practice at 4:00pm, I will have been fielding non-stop "Mom!" questions for a solid hour and a half...With no break. See, I have 5 kids at home now, so when one inquisitive mind is satisfied, another thinks of something they want to know...and most times, they are so lost in their own quest for the ultimate knowledge that they demand my attention before I'm even done answering the first one....I need coffee...or wine...just thinking about it is giving this hermit-ish mama anxiety... ...