Who? ME?! Yes, you...
So we are doing a series with our students this month...and to say that I am nervous and feel UBER underqualified to even DO the stuff we are talking about, let alone TEACH it is...well..the understatement of the year.
You would THINK that after the craziness that had happened at home group the night before, I would be FULL of confidence....BUT!
I wasn't.
I even sent Mrs. Beverly a text earlier that day asking her to pray for me and, God-love-that-woman, she zapped me (in love) and reminded me of a few things, lol.
Later Wednesday afternoon, the hubs said he felt strongly that Papa was saying that before we started getting into the depth of this week's topic, that we should have a time of repentance and heart checking...to basically start the service backwards.
Which was so cool bc, the songs Papa had given to me for worship weren't the normal "pre talk" stuff. They were mellow and moving...like 'decision time' stuff.
So that's exactly what we did.
What follows is a poor description of a few things that our mighty God showed us that night:
As a result of Shane's obedience to start the service backwards (LOVE that man!!), many students surrendered their unforgiveness and bitterness and laid their hearts open before God as the two precious little lambs, who were leading the worship that night, lost themselves in the spontaneous and in their own prophetic songs over their peers. It was a beautiful thing that is happening on a more and more regular basis now.
Then we got into the teaching.
We talked about hearing God and learning how to recognize His voice and then they got to practice it. After a few minutes of prayerful silence and instructions to raise their hand if they heard something, I went to a few who were willing to share what they had heard.
The things Papa said to them ranged from encouragement, to comfort, to gentle correction and eyes were wide all over the room, lol. I could almost hear the startled thoughts of different students all over the room.
"Did God just really talk to ME?? "
Yeah. It was pretty cute.
Anticipation and faith were rising.
Then we moved into the deeper, more nerve-wracking topic.
Words of Knowledge....What is it? How you get one? What does it look like, feel like...? Why do we get them sometimes? How does it relate to healing?
So with heart pounding nervously, I jumped into the teaching portion of the topic...excited, but to be completely HONEST? I was almost...kinda dreading the next part...
The activation.
What if no one got a word of knowledge and we just...sat there?
What if I didnt get one....?
(Bigger gulp)
I looked at Shane behind the sound booth...Maybe HE should come finish the next part....
I shook myself internally.
You STOP that!! Mrs. Beverly said you had all you needed inside to do this....and even more than her saying it...Abba, YOU said I would do this.
I was so scared...but God had said that I alone was to teach this....
So! I told them (in blind faith) we would sit quietly and the Lord WOULD give them a word of knowledge and for them to begin to listen...if they felt, saw, heard, or thought ANYTHING out of the ordinary to come to the front.
We sat for what seemed like forever.
I was shaking inside.
"Papa..." I watched the students with their bowed heads...looking for evidence of His moving, like I had been trained to do. "Papa..." I was almost pleading, "if You don't do this, it won't be done... and what will happen to their faith?"
A few more painful moments went by.
And then.
One by one students began to make eye contact with me. Confidence began to trickle into my spirit. He was speaking.
I called them forward one at a time.
The first one said that their right knee had started hurting under the knee cap and behind the knee.
So I turned and asked the small crowd of students if there was anyone whose right knee was giving them trouble.....
No one moved and no one said a word.
Suddenly, I wasn't so concerned about my own failures, but my heart hurt for the student who had so bravely come forward to share the word of knowledge...
I had told them, earlier in the teaching, that sometimes we hear or feel things in the natural and its easy to confuse it with a word of knowledge, so we NEVER say that we are ABSOLUTELY certain, but that we also don't discount it. We speak it out making sure that the people know that we are not certain of it. If no one responds then, its totally ok.
I was preparing myself to give that reminder and send an embarrassed student back to their seat, when I heard the Lord say,
"Ask again."
I smiled.
So I did.
And a timid hand slowly slipped into the air.
It was a new student. New to our house and new to the charismatic movement...
I asked her to stand, verified her condition and then simply said, "Holy Spirit, thank you that you have healed her knee."
"Ok." I continued with a very convincing confidence that I was not ENTIRELY feeling quite yet. "Now do what you couldn't do before without pain."
"Like...now?" she asked.
I smiled, "yes."
She squatted a couple times and smiled...
...And I cried.
There were gasps all over the room. She had been healed.
We thanked God LOUDLY, haha, and blessed what Holy Spirit was doing.
She was the first of many as more and more students came forward and shared their words of knowledge and everyone who shared their word had one or more people stand across the room and all physical ailments that were presented were healed that night.
Even psychological issues were healed! Panic, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Depression, Unforgiveness that had led to severe stomach issues...
He is able and willing and YOU CAN HEAR HIM. Listen for His voice and don't dismiss a passing feeling or notion...you may just be housing someone's miracle...
If I can do it?? If these students can do it?? So can you. HA!
The Harvest Unleashed. WOOT!!
Yall, I'm done. I'm done. HA!
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