So, Exactly What IS Worship??

So, recently someone asked me to write a 500 word essay describing what worship is and how to flesh it out. Easy, right? Yeah, I thought so too. Ehhhhnotsomuch. The topic wasn't the hard part. It was the 500 word part. I mean, worship is so much more than ANY of us can EVER hope to confine within a literary work. SO! I asked Abba to help me write this thing, mainly because if He doesn't help, it stinks. Haha. Don't judge. It's true, lol. Anywho, I had a revelation in the midst of this essay and I wanted to share it with you. So here is the 536 word essay...hey, I tried to keep it at 500... Enjoy. :) " That moment. You know what I'm talking about. That epic moment when imagination meets reality and it exceeds everything you thought it could possibly be. That moment when your soul is moved so deeply that all you can do is close your eyes and soak in that moment, relish the moment, love the moment, because to do anything else would seem....