
Showing posts from 2013

So, Exactly What IS Worship??

So, recently someone asked me to write a 500 word essay describing what worship is and how to flesh it out. Easy, right? Yeah, I thought so too. Ehhhhnotsomuch. The topic wasn't the hard part. It was the 500 word part. I mean, worship is so much more than ANY of us can EVER hope to confine within a literary work. SO! I asked Abba to help me write this thing, mainly because if He doesn't help, it stinks. Haha. Don't judge. It's true, lol. Anywho, I had a revelation in the midst of this essay and I wanted to share it with you. So here is the 536 word essay...hey, I tried to keep it at 500... Enjoy. :) " That moment. You know what I'm talking about. That epic moment when imagination meets reality and it exceeds everything you thought it could possibly be. That moment when your soul is moved so deeply that all you can do is close your eyes and soak in that moment, relish the moment, love the moment, because to do anything else would seem....

The Bloody Sheet

So...with our youth purity conference coming up, I've really been thinking a lot about "purity" as a topic.  Thinking a lot about how I can possibly come at this in a way that hasn't been dragged thru the proverbial gauntlet of religious ka-ka SO many times that it's absolutely wretched to this generation...and everyone much so that teens avoid anything labeled "purity" and churches are afraid to touch it with a ten foot pole. I mean, this generation needs the message of sexual purity...for their LIVES sakes, these days...but you almost have to TRICK them with a gimmick or a NON purity related theme to get them to even THINK about coming to a seminar or conference talking about it... Then it dawned on me. What do we normally cram down their throats at theses well-meaning conferences? Granted, I've been at a couple really awesome ones (Pure Freedom[girls], Who Moved The Goal Post[guys]). Not talking about those, so cool your jets. I...

Holy Gossip

Gossip.  A word that can describe the single-handed destruction of one's character. Gossip. A word that causes every leader in a house of faith to cringe as if Freddy Krueger had just had his way with a chalkboard. Gossip.   Something that no passionate believer would ever admit to being a willing party to. And yet.... I bet you think you know where I'm going with this, huh? A rant about an epidemic of rot in the Bride of Christ where we deface each other? A couple of choice scriptures to quote that supremely make my point? Well, nope.  I'm not talking about gossip as it applies to each other...I'm talking about gossip as it applies to our God. Yep...I'm talking about Gossiping about the     Creator of the Universe. Hahaha. Papa just told me that some of you might even think you know where THIS is going...that I'm putting a positive spin on telling the world about Him is the 'gossip' I'm referr...

Greedy Gut.

    If you've been around kids...or at least MY kids...for more than a minute...escpecially cant help but notice the competition for attention, snacks, game time, toys, EVERYTHING. They are jealous OF each other and FOR each other. Somebody wants what somebady else has because its better than what they already have...   Can I get a witness??    The other day I had had JUST about enough.   I mean...   Like...Fo realz.    If you're a know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.   That moment when you look at your kid(s) and you mentally calculate how much timne you would get for pinching their little heads off...and you KNOW you've had it when, after your calculations, you decide that getting locked up would be a vacation, lol!    It was one of those days for this momma. No amount of singing, praying, or 'hiding' in their Creator (to whom, at that moment in time, I was considering...

(best gaming announcer voice) "Total...Annihilation.."

    If you've been around me during worship and/or intercession for more than 2 minutes, then you have prolly heard one of these in what I call 'desperate voice':   "OH! I am DESTROYED by Your love, Papa!!"   or   "Come and DESTROY us with Your love, Jesus!!"   It's actually quite comical when someone doesn't know what's going, the bus driver...   yeahhhhhh.....funny story, lol.   Anywho.   Funny thing about the word 'destroy'?    It's not such a black and white word, like one would think.   I was reading in Deuteronomy the other day and Moses was recapping all that the House of Israel had been thru from the time their journey began.   Why?   I have 2 opinions on it.   #1 - To remind them of the faithfulness of God   #2  - This generation were babies or young children when all the craziness with their folks went down the FIRS...

The Pregnant Bride

    I've been thinking alot about the spirit of adoption lately. Heidi Baker COMPLETELY messed me up with a message she spoke about it. Never heard it that way before...then...   I was standing infront of my bathroom mirror yesterday morning and I was thinking about the 'church' as a whole.   About how easily offended 'she' is and how UBERLY cautious one must be not to offend 'her'.   I was frustrated and thought about how Jesus didn't mind offending the 'churchified' why is it that today as His followers we are more ok with loving said 'church' and offending the world than loving the world and offending the 'church' Jesus did?   I understand that that last statement messes with some of your theology.   That's okay.   It's my opinion and     I'm not concerned with theology.     Anywho, my mind was all over the place and it finally settled on this question:...

Where HAS The Time Gone?? SHEESH!

Welp. I just looked at the date of my last blog. October 26th. The date I started the blog I posted a little earlier? October 27th. So much has happened since then... Here the short version: Shane had a severe reaction to a myelogram. Had to be hospitalized. Got lost in the system for three days until I threw a HOLY fit. Had surgery. Came home. All kids had HORRIBLE virus. It was hard for me for a bit, being the only healthy parent and caring for a hubster in intense pain and four very sick littles, plus all the craziness of NORMAL life, lol. BUT! Abba Father was EVER so close to us and SO beautiful...and the hearts and sacrifice of the amazing peeps in our 'house' blessed us immensely. Doc wouldn't allow him to return to work when he planned. Abba blessed. Started a new business for me :). Still couldn't return to work. Went on unpaid medical leave. Was told that he was now no longer guaranteed his returning position at his place of employment becau...

Mmm..Juicy Tidbits

Image I admit it. I adore Gordon Ramsey. Every show he has made,  I will locate every season and, like the food channel groupie that I am, will watch as many episodes as I can squeeze into a 24 hour period...Usually when the kids are in bed or gone because his sailor mouth is no where NEAR as refined as his palate. O_o LAWD! Abba actually told me it was perfectly FINE to be so addicted to these shows... I'm lying. No, He didn't. So ANYWHO, in September, the hubster had a myelogram ( on a Thursday and had a pretty rough time...thus the first half of this bloggage being written while sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.. Once we got him home FINALLY...(It was a ROUGH trip from Macon to home...literally vomiting every 5 miles) He was in our bedroom and I was sitting in the living room with the littles trying to keep the noise level down for his sake...when all of a sudden I hear this man, hootin...