Shaving Blind. Yep. Pretty Smart.

So we have this situation. Our septic is as such that if we use our garden tub, it backs up the lines.. Mhmm. Gross. Unfixable except at great expense, SO! We shower in lieu of sit baths. This works great except for shaving. I'm not the most coordinated person anyway, so this can present a pretty sketchy scenario when its time to cut down the trees on my legs...But add to that the fact that I'm BLIND... Yep. I cant wear my glasses in the shower, for obvious reasons, but I also can't wear my contacts in the shower because tap water in my eyes reacts with my lenses and dries them out. Code Language: Not fun. So, I shave...pretty much blind. I can see shapes but its really blurry...kinda like opening your eyes under water with no mask on. Kinda like this: So, after leg day, I hopped in the shower...Correction: I stumbled into the shower. One does not 'hop' anywhere after leg day...and I began the process of shaving blind. ...