Letting Go
That song.
Dangerous to your faith.
...And your life.
Not too long ago, I read a blog post that circulated throughout facebook that talked about not singing the lyrics to "Oceans" unless you meant it. For those who may be unfamiliar with it, here are the lyrics that will cause you great difficulty if actually taken to heart:
Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Solomon Ligthelm
(c) Copyright 2012 Hillsong Music Publishing
You called me out upon the waters
The great unknown, where feet may fail
And there, I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep, my faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise my soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters where ever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior
I was one of the many, I'm sure, that heartily "AMEN"-ed the post and joined the multitudes of passionate "lovers" on fb who thought of the many people who sang this song without realizing what it actually meant and applauded the author for actually saying it.
Today, I heard the song on Pandora...for the millionth time (insert eye-roll here). I'm just being real. I mean, there are only so many times you can hear a song you love before you get sick of it.
When I heard the first few measures of it, I almost changed the station...but I decided that I hadn't heard it in a while and, honestly, I was just getting settled after plopping the Bug down for a nap and I just didn't feel like reaching for the remote.
Wow. That sounds just as lazy as it is.
Ha! Oh well. It's true.
So any way, as I'm responding to some messages before I open up "Big Honkin"(My huge archaeological study bible), I feel my Papa draw ever so near and I hear Him whisper,
I inhaled His presence and thought of that blog.
Then I thought of something I never have before.
What about the people who are still in the boat watching their loved ones step out into impossible circumstances that make absolutely no sense and are just so impractical that it seems almost stupid and irresponsible.
What about those people?
I'm of the mind that -as hard as it can be- to be the one climbing out of the boat is so much easier than to be the one watching this process...sometimes helplessly.
What happens when those we love so dearly hear the call of the One whom their souls love?
What happens when He says, "Come." and they respond by nervously, excitedly, or in great fear and trembling, stepping out onto the waves?
Are we willing to allow them to get out that boat...? Or do we disguise our lack of faith with talks of practicality, common sense, being responsible, and everything that could happen or go wrong? Do we shout encouragement or do we fill the atmosphere with doubt, unbelief, realism, and fear-based arguments creating the very storm of confusion that distracts them from the Hand that beckons them?
Are we willing to let them run with Him on the waves...and are we willing to allow them to sink and let Jesus be the one to lift them?
Not judging, by any means...just thinking.
The disciples left perfectly good jobs to follow an unknown man and I'm pretty sure many considered that pretty irresponsible and risky.
Again, Just...thinking.
Thinking about times when I've been on both sides of this scenario...the times when I was released...and the times when I was held back.
Thinking about the times (notice the plural) when I was so afraid of what COULD happen that I interfered in what God had planned for another's journey with Him.
Thinking about the season that my family has entered into, where we are both the ones stepping out and the ones watching the process.
I'm seeing that song, "Oceans", is just dangerous all around.
Those who are still in the boat have to mean it too. Sometimes, we have to be ok with letting someone jump into crazy, impossible, sometimes senseless circumstances. We have to be ok with not giving fear a voice. We have to be ok with fervent prayer before we say a WORD...and we have to be ok with the fact that they just might sink...but that's Papa's concern. He loves them more than we do and He's such a good landing pad.
(Disclaimer: This is all based on the understanding that the person stepping out has actually spent time seeking His heart and has spent enough time with Him to know His voice)
We've got to let go...even when it makes zero sense and it scares the bejeezus out of us...
I still hear Him say, "Release.", and I'm realizing it goes both ways.
The one leaving must release the comfort and safety of what life was "supposed" to look like...they must release their grip on their own destinies...
And the ones yet in the boat must release the one whose heart is to obey recklessly.
...and trust God.
...and the God in them.
...because He is.
...and He's got them.
#lettinggo #runbaby #danceonthewaves #release
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