
Showing posts from 2015

Ascending The Hill...With A Bossy Dog

I sat outside this morning, on my spiritual mom's patio, with my Papa God waiting to hear from Him as to what He wants to speak to his kids this evening. He was quiet and so was I....just enjoying our time together in the silence.  Words are overrated at times.   Sometimes we just need to BE with Him... And thennnnn.....  Riley.  See, my "mama" has this dog. He's quite a character.  He's grumpy and a tad bossy, lol.  He's an opportunist. Do NOT leave your food close to the edge of the table...or unattended. PERIOD. He's a sneak and he's completely adorable in all his spoiled-rottenness.  He's Riley. And he taught me something.  On this morning, he insisted to come out with me, so I obliged him. (If you know Riley at all, you will know that, oblige or not, he tends to have his way, haha. ) I sat there, soaking in the cool morning breeze...loving the embrace of my Father, and I noticed Rile...

The Book Thing

About 8 months ago, a dear friend prophesied over me that I would write 3 books and not to get distracted by the illustrations. I thought, "Ok. I've got 2 already in the works...but....I really....don't need illustrations..." And then she said, "And there are children's books too." Wait. I know I didn't hear that. I'm not a children's author. She must've heard wrong. The books I write are novels and blog-style...definitely not children's books and I CERTAINLY don't feel a pull in that direction....At all. But I know this woman....I know she hears from Papa.... So I chalked it up and put it, wrapped ever-so-neatly, onto the shelf in the back of my mind for another season. Then, in December, I was sitting in the recliner at our former house and one of the littles came through and said, "Mama can you tie my shoes? I been tryin' and tryin' and it's just too hard!" He was quite upset...

Letting Go

Oceans. That song. Dangerous to your faith. ...And your life. Not too long ago, I read a blog post that circulated throughout facebook that talked about not singing the lyrics to "Oceans" unless you meant it. For those who may be unfamiliar with it, here are the lyrics that will cause you great difficulty if actually taken to heart: "OCEANS" Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Solomon Ligthelm (c) Copyright 2012 Hillsong Music Publishing VS You called me out upon the waters The great unknown, where feet may fail And there, I find You in the mystery In oceans deep, my faith will stand CH And I will call upon Your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise my soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours and You are mine VS Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed and You won't start now BRIDGE Spirit lead me where my trust i...