Captivity...It's a GOOD thing? No, Really.

So...yeah. Captivity. As believers...especially in a charismatic body...its a word that embodies negative things, right? I mean, when you think of 'captivity' you think of the Children of Israel in Egypt...or atleast I do...You think of addictions, chains, bondages, prison, slavery, etc.....See? Negative. If you read my last blog, you know that Papa kinda rocked my world by just flat out atom-bombing a paradigm that most ppl who claim "charismatic" have. Welp. He did it again. Read on. Wednesday night, before service (I play guitar for our youth service), I was walking the room and interceding (that would be ' praying' for the non-church-i-fied) for the ppl who would come to the gathering that night... Following is the dialogue that would wreck my sleep that night and every other night this week, so far...seeing as its 3:18am on Saturday morning.... ME- ...