Let me start by saying that I have been the brunt of MOCKERY since October. Jes kiddin. It's not really mockery. They just giggle when it happens, lol. I used to do the same. I would watch "the Frizzness" on Bethel's YouTube channel and would giggle when Papa would touch her and she would jump or twitch. I giggled, that is, until it happened to me. I was at a women's retreat and, well, He just dumped a TON of His glory right on top of me and I was a jumpy, twitching, uncontrollable mess. For a week afterward, I had a hard time talking about Him or TO Him without twitching so hard that I couldn't speak. Thank GOODness I can talk about Him now with only mild jolts that are unnoticeable to anyone else, but they are little reminders of how very much He loves me and how very near He is to me... Although....when He agrees with a statement I make..or when He draws very near to me, haha, He will touch me and my hold body will jerk once or twice.....