
Showing posts from April, 2014


Let me start by saying that I have been the brunt of MOCKERY since October. Jes kiddin. It's not really mockery. They just giggle when it happens, lol. I used to do the same. I would watch "the Frizzness" on Bethel's YouTube channel and would giggle when Papa would touch her and she would jump or twitch. I giggled, that is, until it happened to me. I was at a women's retreat and, well, He just dumped a TON of His glory right on top of me and I was a jumpy, twitching, uncontrollable mess. For a week afterward, I had a hard time talking about Him or TO Him without twitching so hard that I couldn't speak. Thank GOODness I can talk about Him now with only mild jolts that are unnoticeable to anyone else, but they are little reminders of how very much He loves me and how very near He is to me... Although....when He agrees with a statement I make..or when He draws very near to me, haha, He will touch me and my hold body will jerk once or twice.....

Who? ME?! Yes, you...

So we are doing a series with our students this month...and to say that I am nervous and feel UBER underqualified to even DO the stuff we are talking about, let alone TEACH it is...well..the understatement of the year. You would THINK that after the craziness that had happened at home group the night before, I would be FULL of confidence....BUT! I wasn't. (GASP!) I know, right? I even sent Mrs. Beverly a text earlier that day asking her to pray for me and, God-love-that-woman, she zapped me (in love) and reminded me of a few things, lol. Later Wednesday afternoon, the hubs said he felt strongly that Papa was saying that before we started getting into the depth of this week's topic, that we should have a time of repentance and heart basically start the service backwards. Which was so cool bc, the songs Papa had given to me for worship weren't the normal "pre talk" stuff. They were mellow and 'decision time' stuff...

Well, Well, Tattle-Tale...

Here's the deal.  I'm a chicken. A great big colossal chicken.  And Papa knows it.  Mainly, because He's, well, GOD... but also because I have told Him MANY times how hard of a time I've been having with teaching the series on healing that we are doing with our students this month. I've only shared that with a VERY few trusted ppl who I know will cover and pray for me.  Every second and 4th Tuesday nights I attend a ladies home group that words can describe the levels of glory that we experience there. This past week me, a friend, one of our students, and one of our youth sponsors got there late. As we walked in, we walked right slam into the presence of the King. One of our sisters was dancing in the middle of the circle of women in Mrs. Beverly's living room,  and we didn't need to ask why. It became increasingly evident that Papa God was talking to His daughters that night.  We slipped in as quietl...