That Moment When Alone Time Isn't Worth It

It had been a long day for me at work, traveling between two offices. It looked something like this: Forgot my lunch, left my coffee in the car, temps actually got above freezing and my car decided that it only wanted to emit HEAT from the vents that refused to actually BLOW, finally ate a very late lunch but my stomach was pissed by that time and...Wow. All of this on the heels of very little sleep after staying up to watch the sad loss of the Championship Game to Bama (good game guys!). Needless to say, I was more than pooped and wanted nothing more than to head straight for my big, comfy bed to collapse under 200 pounds of blankets. Get all that?? I came in the garage door, marched/dragged...Ok. It was more like a crawl... to the bedroom, threw on my PJs and slipped into bed. I grabbed my phone and did a little work, Maddie came in from school...All was quiet...Except in my stomach. Lawd help. And THENNNNN the kiddos got home. Nacho needed help with h...