Eh...The Jury Is Out on Cheat Days.

So, Many of you know that I've been on a journey to health and fitness. It's a journey that started years ago and one that I got lazy in for many reasons that I won't go into, here. But about 3.5 months ago, I had a pretty rude awakening. I was heavier than I had ever been in my life, even though most people would say that they never considered me obese. I began to be short of breath, even when I wasn't exerting myself, and I started having more and more frequent mild chest pains. My ankles and legs pretty much stayed swollen and I was just exhausted all of the time. My asthma had really started acting up again, too. Papa God had been talking to me for about six or eight months about my health and wellness. I would listen to Him with my heart and then start full force. I would work out so hard and eat better, but then...Cheat day....That turned into cheat days... I rationalized that this was ok because I was working out so hard... It wasn't ...