The Bloody Sheet

So...with our youth purity conference coming up, I've really been thinking a lot about "purity" as a topic. Thinking a lot about how I can possibly come at this in a way that hasn't been dragged thru the proverbial gauntlet of religious ka-ka SO many times that it's absolutely wretched to this generation...and everyone much so that teens avoid anything labeled "purity" and churches are afraid to touch it with a ten foot pole. I mean, this generation needs the message of sexual purity...for their LIVES sakes, these days...but you almost have to TRICK them with a gimmick or a NON purity related theme to get them to even THINK about coming to a seminar or conference talking about it... Then it dawned on me. What do we normally cram down their throats at theses well-meaning conferences? Granted, I've been at a couple really awesome ones (Pure Freedom[girls], Who Moved The Goal Post[guys]). Not talking about those, so cool your jets. I...