The Spigot

I was replying to a facebook message from a friend about a song I sang this past Sunday. Suddenly I was preaching in my message. Sorry, Amy, haha. You caught the brunt of my spiritual tourettes (no disrespect intended to those who are overcoming this disorder). But right smack dab in the middle of a sentence I saw a water spigot. It was barely open and trickling down. Then I saw the ground immediately around it and it was watered, but before the life giving water could reach the rest of the thirsty earth farther away, it was sucked up by the ground closest to the spigot. The brutal sun was bearing down and the dry ground was crying out for refreshing and any droplet, that just happened to find its way to a parched blade of grass was evaporated by the intensity of the suns rays. Then I saw the same spigot open full blast! Water was spraying EVERYWHERE! Making a mess. Completely drenching the ground nearest to it... Infact at times that ground appeare...