Ascending The Hill...With A Bossy Dog

I sat outside this morning, on my spiritual mom's patio, with my Papa God waiting to hear from Him as to what He wants to speak to his kids this evening. He was quiet and so was I....just enjoying our time together in the silence. Words are overrated at times. Sometimes we just need to BE with Him... And thennnnn..... Riley. See, my "mama" has this dog. He's quite a character. He's grumpy and a tad bossy, lol. He's an opportunist. Do NOT leave your food close to the edge of the table...or unattended. PERIOD. He's a sneak and he's completely adorable in all his spoiled-rottenness. He's Riley. And he taught me something. On this morning, he insisted to come out with me, so I obliged him. (If you know Riley at all, you will know that, oblige or not, he tends to have his way, haha. ) I sat there, soaking in the cool morning breeze...loving the embrace of my Father, and I noticed Rile...