The Name of The Game Is Slayer...

"WYATT! DON'T SASSINATE ME!!" "Okay." (gun fire) "WYATT!! I SAID DON'T SASSINATE ME!!!" (no answer) "You have ta let me sassinate YOU!" "You have to earn your assassinations." As I sit here, computer in lap...working on a completely different blog...I hear this exchange between a very frustrated Nacho and his older brother, and I look up from my blogging and watch them. I see the almost desperate face of my 6 year old as he whole-heartedly petitions his brother not to "sassinate" him and I see the utter calm and resignation on the face of his older brother, who is unmoved by his pleas and unceremoniously "sassinates" him. "WYATT!!! LET ME SASSINATE YOU!!" Nacho demands desperately, but unfortunately his brother is not feeling benevolent. "No." (Whining) "THAT'S WHY I WANT TO JUST PLAY BY MYSELF!" As a mom, it's tempting to intervene on behalf...